Travelers Palm
Travelers Palm - Strelitzia nicolai A.K.A the Bird of Paradise palm, is one of the our most popular indoor plants. Its big leaves make this plant a bold statement.
Best in full sun areas with a moderate amount of water, these trees grow tall – quickly! However, once a trunk begins to develop, the growth rate slows to a more moderate pace. And, the further south you plant them, the taller they will get. In northern areas, they’ll reach about 30 feet.
Travelers Palm - Strelitzia nicolai A.K.A the Bird of Paradise palm, is one of the our most popular indoor plants. Its big leaves make this plant a bold statement.
Best in full sun areas with a moderate amount of water, these trees grow tall – quickly! However, once a trunk begins to develop, the growth rate slows to a more moderate pace. And, the further south you plant them, the taller they will get. In northern areas, they’ll reach about 30 feet.
Travelers Palm - Strelitzia nicolai A.K.A the Bird of Paradise palm, is one of the our most popular indoor plants. Its big leaves make this plant a bold statement.
Best in full sun areas with a moderate amount of water, these trees grow tall – quickly! However, once a trunk begins to develop, the growth rate slows to a more moderate pace. And, the further south you plant them, the taller they will get. In northern areas, they’ll reach about 30 feet.